This Sleep Problems PLR content is ready for health professionals, bloggers and affiliates to edit, customize, and brand as their own. It includes an Insomnia PLR report, which has been professionally recorded into a 17 minute audio book. You can help your customers improve their sleep health with this high-quality PLR content. This package offers editable formats and a ready-made structure, saving you time while delivering expert insights on sleep and its affects on health and well-being.

Insomnia PLR

Report and Cover Graphics
Insomnia Connection To Poor Mental Performance – 2,869 words, 18 Pages.
You can use it as a free gift for your customers when they subscribe to your emails, or you can sell it if you prefer. The choice is yours. You will receive the report and cover graphics. Word Doc and PDF.

Insomnia PLR Audio Book
You will also receive an audio book for the written report! Professionally recorded, 17:15 minutes long.

Sleep Method Book Review
You will also receive a book review that is 1,476 words long. Publish on your site, add your affiliate link and make money from your promotions!

20 Tips To Beat Insomnia
This pack contains 20 Tips to Beat Insomnia that are perfect for social media or for creating an eBook, whatever you desire! 4,612 words.

10 Articles
You will receive 10 articles you can use in many different ways! You can use them to create another eCourse, videos or podcasts. There really is no limit! Word Docs and Text Files

Sleep Problems PLR Bulletins
All bulletins are 2 pages with a call-to-action section you can modify to fit your own needs. They have been created from the articles in this offer.

Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation
This Powerpoint presentation is for online training or offline presentations. You can show your customers what they will receive from you! 27 slides

Social Posters
You can connect with people who are searching for your information using the social media platforms.

Insomnia PLR Infographic
Be seen as an authority with this professional graphic! People will love sharing it!

Here is the content in more detail…
Insomnia PLR Report
This report includes a table of contents and is ready for you to edit if you desire and brand as your own. 3,214 words and 25 pages.
Insomnia Connection To Poor Mental Performance

Insomnia PLR Audio Book
The report has been professionally recorded as a 17 minute audio book, ‘Insomnia Connection To Poor Mental Performance.’ The audio version offers an easy, on-the-go way to absorb the valuable insights provided in the report! You can use as a podcast if you wish!

Insomnia PLR Articles
You can use these 10 articles anywhere and everywhere! For example, post them on your website, add them to your eBook, or create another eBook or report. Create an eCourse, or podcast… there is no limit to what you can do!
- Getting To Know Your 4 Healthy Sleep Stages
- How Common Are Common Pediatric Sleeping Disorders
- Is it Sleep Apnea or Snoring
- Is Restless Legs Syndrome Keeping You Awake
- Leg Cramps and Charley Horses
- Medications and Drugs that Can Cause Sleepwalking
- Diagnosis and Treatment of 2 Types of Sleep Apnea
- The Pregnant Insomniac – How Mothers-To-Be Can Get Back to Sleep
- Top 5 Natural Snoring Treatments that Work
- What Is Narcolepsy

Effortless Sleep Method – Insomnia PLR Book Review
Post this review on your website and then share this book review with your customers. Make sure you link to the book so that your readers can purchase and you make a commission!

You will receive a book review on The Effortless Sleep Method – The Incredible New Cure for Insomnia and Chronic Sleep Problems.
“The Effortless Sleep Method is the book insomniacs all over the world have been waiting for, even those for whom ‘nothing ever works’. This highly practical and hugely effective method offers a simple and permanent solution for long-term and new insomniacs alike.
The Effortless Sleep Method gives you something no other insomnia book can – an entirely different way of looking at insomnia. The step-by-step insomnia recovery contained in this book doesn’t just treat insomnia, it totally undermines it.“
This book review is 1,476 words long.

20 Tips To Beat Insomnia PLR Report or Blog Posts
This pack contains 20 Tips to Beat Insomnia that are perfect for social media or for creating a huge post, report, whatever you desire! Approximately 200 words each, total of 4,612 words.

Insomnia and Other Sleep Problems PLR Bulletins
These bulletins have been repurposed from the 10 articles in this offer. All bulletins are 2 pages with a call-to-action section you can modify to fit your own needs. Yes, the images are royalty and attribution free.
Below is a preview of one of the bulletins.

Here is a preview of the first page of the other nine bulletins.
Narcolepsy Bulletin

Pediatric Sleeping Disorders Bulletin

Restless Leg Syndrome Bulletin

Treating Sleep Apnea Bulletin

Leg Cramps and Charely Horses Bulletin

Natural Snoring Treatments Bulletin

The Pregnant Insomniac Bulletin

Sleepwalking Bulletin

Sleep Apnea or Snoring Bulletin

Insomnia PLR Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation
We’ve consolidated key training points and highlights into a presentation you can use for interviews, teleseminars or webinars, or for online training or offline meetings. Whatever your needs are you can use this presentation for!

Insomnia and Sleep Problems PLR Social Posters
It’s also easier to use our pre-designed images and messages for Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. They’re ready to post and use! You’ll receive these 21 posters, plus the editable PSD files.

Insomnia PLR Infographic
This image is branded, but you’ll receive your own “blank” infographic. Easy to brand with your name, company or website. Insomnia – Is Dinner Keeping You Awake? Food and drink tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.

Here’s a summary of what’s included in this Insomnia and Other Sleep problems PLR content…
- Report – Insomnia Connection To Poor Mental Performance – 2,869 words, 18 Pages.
- eCover Graphics – Different styles for the report.
- Audio Book – The report has been professionally recorded. 17:15 minutes.
- Book Review – The Effortless Sleep Method book review – 1,476 words.
- 20 Tips to Beat Insomnia – Everyone loves tips! Use it as blog posts, social media posts or as another report! 4,612 words
- Articles – 10 articles written by health and wellness writer.
- Bulletins – Magazine style bulletins repurposed from the articles in this offer.
- Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation – Powerpoint presentation for online training or offline presentation.
- Social Posters – 21 posters to use as tip posters wherever you desire.
- Infographic – Insomnia – Is Dinner Keeping You Awake? Food and drink tips to help you get a good night’s sleep.
This content can help you make an income, and help you build your list and relationships with your customers! It’s ready to use in your business right now!
Only $47
If you need more high-quality PLR content view all our products in our PLR Store Catalog. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please let us know!
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