This Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR content is a perfect complement to your teachings on the addictive and harmful effects of sugar. Your customers will love learning from this valuable content, which includes 15 delicious recipes in the Alternative Baking PLR ebook. Best of all, everything is ready for you to customize and brand as your own!

Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR – Alternative Baking PLR Recipes
Here’s What’s Included In This High-Quality PLR Bundle of Content

eBook and Cover Graphics
Alternative Baking – Cooking Desserts and Baked Goodies Without Refined Sugar – 6,486 words, 28 Pages. Word Doc and PDF formats.
This eBook is ready to be sold to your customers, making it an ideal tool for monetizing your business. That’s the beauty of private label rights content! We take care of all the hard work for you. We handle the creation from start to finish, and you can publish and profit. Along with the eBook, you will also receive a variety of eCover graphic designs to choose from.

Newsletters or Reports
The 12 articles have been repurposed into short reports you can use as additional opt-in offers, products, newsletters or gifts for your list.

Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation
This Powerpoint presentation is for online training or offline presentations. You can show your customers what they will receive from you! 16 slides

Book Review
You will also receive a book review that is 1,411 words long. Publish on your site, add your affiliate link and make money from your promotions!

You will receive 12 articles that you can use to publish on your website or to create even more products! Repurpose the articles in many different ways! You can use them to create another eCourse, videos or podcasts. There really is no limit! Word Docs and Text Files.

20 Mini Blog Posts
You will receive 20 sugar tips and ideas, which you can use for any purpose you desire!
For example, you can use them for either quick updates to social media, to add to your newsletter, or to create another list building tool or gift to your subscribers. You could even create another eBook as these blog posts total 6,105 words!

This infographic provides nutritional tips for seniors – Your Brain on High-Intensity Sweeteners. These help you be seen as an authority in your niche!

Sweet Release PLR Video
You will also receive a whiteboard video that is 1:45 minutes duration. You can keep your readers engaged for longer as people can’t resist these types of videos… they love to see what animations are going to slide in next!

Here is the content in more detail…
Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR eBook
This eBook includes 15 sugar-free recipes! It can be sold, or used to build your list, or to break it up into articles, whatever you want to do. You have unlimited uses! You can share with confidence because this report was written by a subject matter expert. 6,486 words, 28 Pages. Word Doc and PDF.
Alternative Baking
Cooking Desserts and Baked Goodies Without Refined Sugar

Alternative Baking PLR eBook eCover Graphics

Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR Articles
You will receive 12 articles as shown below. You can use articles anywhere and everywhere! For example, post them on your website, add them to your eBook, or create another eBook or report. Create an eCourse, read on your podcast… there is no limit to what you can do!
- A Detox Plan To Crack Your Sugar Habit
- High-Intensity Sweeteners – What They Are And Why To Avoid Them
- How to Enjoy Dessert Naturally
- How to Wean Yourself Off Sugar
- Is Agave A Healthy Sugar Alternative?
- Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad For Me?
- Is Raw Sugar Healthier Than Refined?
- Is Stevia Really A Healthy Substitute for Sugar?
- Is Sugar Really White Poison?
- Splenda – Is It Healthy, Or Harmful?
- Sugar Substitutes That Sound Healthy, But Aren’t
- Xylitol – Risks Versus Benefits

Alternative Baking PLR Presentation
We’ve consolidated key training points and highlights into a presentation you can use for interviews, teleseminars or webinars, or for online training or offline meetings. Whatever your needs are you can use this presentation for! 16 slides

Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR Blog Posts
You will receive 20 tips that you can use anyway you desire. You can use them for updates to social media, or to add to your newsletter, or to create an eCourse, or to use as another list building tool or gift for your subscribers. You can use them however you wish! 6,105 words
20 Mini Posts Just Add Your Call-to-Action
- Why “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” On A Food Label Might Not Be A Good Thing
- Sugar, The Crack Cocaine Of Food
- How Much Sugar Should Your Kids Be Eating?
- 5 Healthy Sugars To Replace Refined Sugar
- What Is A Sugar Detox?
- How To Reprogram Your Brain Off Of Sugar and Onto Healthy Foods
- The Unhealthy Processed Food/Sugar Connection
- Sugar Is The New Fat (Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat, Sugar Does)
- Sugar Won’t Just Make You Fat, It Will Make You Sick As Well
- The Legal Way Food Manufacturers Are Allowed To Poison You With Sugar
- The Modern-Day Problems With Eating Too Much Sugar
- Scary Sugar Statistics You Need To Know
- Your Brain On Sugar… Not A Pretty Sight
- 5 Hidden Sources Of Sugar In Your Diet
- There Is Sugar (and Salt) In The Baby Food You Buy
- Why You Probably Need A Sugar Detox and Soon
- The Sugar/Fat Battle That Sugar Unfortunately Won
- Why Natural Sugars Are Not Bad For You
- Sugar Feeds Cancer’s Sweet Tooth
- How Sugar Prematurely Ages Your Skin

Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR Newsletters
The 12 articles have been repurposed into short reports. You can use as additional opt-in offers, products, newsletters or gifts for your list. You can monetize these if you use them as handouts! Add your own product links or affiliate links, save as a PDF and distribute. The more people share them, the more your links will be clicked.

Suicide By Sugar PLR Book Review
Post this review on your website and then share this book review with your customers. Make sure you link to the book so that your readers can purchase and you make a commission!

You will receive a book review on Suicide by Sugar – A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction.
“It is a dangerous, addictive white powder that can be found in abundance. It is not illegal. It is in practically everything we eat and drink, and once we are hooked on it, the cravings can be overwhelming. This white substance of abuse is sugar.
The authors offer startling facts that link a range of disorders – from dementia and hypoglycemia to obesity and cancer – to our growing sugar addiction. Rounding out the book is a sound diet plan along with a number of recipes for sweet, easy-to prepare dishes – all made without sugar or fruit.”
This book review is 1,411 words long.

Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR Video
Sweet Release – 3 Sweeteners to Remove From Your Diet and 3 Sugar Alternatives
This whiteboard video is 1:45 minutes duration.

Your Brain and High-Intensity Sweeteners PLR Infographic
This infographic provides easy-to-understand visuals, making it perfect for educating your clients or using in presentations. The design is both professional and engaging.
Your Brain on High-Intensity Sweeteners

Here’s a recap of everything you will receive in this Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR content bundle…
- eBook – Alternative Baking – Cooking Desserts and Baked Goodies Without Refined Sugar – 6,486 words, 28 Pages. Word Doc and PDF formats.
- eCover Graphics – Covers for the eBook. Includes editable PSD file.
- Articles – You will receive 12 professionally written articles.
- Blog Posts – 20 Sugar Tips – Over 200 words each. Total of 6,105 words!
- 2 Newsletters or Reports – The 12 articles have been repurposed into short reports.
- Book Review – You will also receive a book review that is 1,411 words long.
- Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation – Powerpoint presentation for online training or offline presentations. 16 slides.
- Infographic – Your Brain on High-Intensity Sweeteners
- Whiteboard Video – 3 Sweeteners to Remove From Your Diet and 3 Sugar Alternatives – 1:45 minutes duration.
This Natural Sugar Substitutes PLR bundle includes everything you need to be seen as an authority, to make an income, and to build your list and relationships with your customers! It’s ready to use in your business right now!
Only $57
If you need more high-quality PLR content view all our products in our PLR Store Catalog. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please let us know!
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