This Dementia PLR content provides valuable tips and insights on dementia disease and also focuses on the critical link between nutrition and brain health. Ideal for health professionals, wellness bloggers, and content creators, this package includes detailed ebooks, insightful articles, and engaging social media content, all designed to educate and empower your audience. You’ll have everything you need to make a significant impact on your audience’s understanding of dementia and brain health. Rebrand and customize with full private label rights today!

Dementia PLR
Here’s What’s Included In This Dementia and Brain-Gut Connection PLR Pack

eBook and Cover Graphics
Dementia Quick Tips and Insights – 5,734 Words, 31 pages. This pack provides you with content, such as this eBook to help you monetize your business. We do the work for you, you publish and profit. You will receive the eBook and cover graphics. Word Doc and PDF formats.

Squeeze Page
You will receive an HTML squeeze page for the eBook, however, you can create a sales page to sell if you wish! Includes an optin page, thank you page and download page. Make the necessary changes and upload to your server.

Dementia PLR Articles
You will receive 12 articles that you can use to publish on your website or to create even more products! Repurpose the articles in many different ways! You can use them to create another eCourse, videos or podcasts. There really is no limit! Word Docs and Text Files.

Book Review
You will also receive a book review to publish on your website. Add your affiliate links and make money from your promotions! 1,480 words.

Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation
This Powerpoint presentation is for online training or offline presentations. You can show your customers what they will receive from you!

2 Newsletters or Reports
The 12 articles have been repurposed into short reports you can use as additional opt-in offers, products, newsletters or gifts for your list.

Report and Cover Graphics
Brain-Gut Connection – The Nutritional Link To Brain Disease – 2,704 words, 23 Pages. This report will help you build your list! You can use it as a free gift for your customers when they subscribe to your emails, or you can sell it if you prefer. The choice is yours.
That’s what makes private label rights content so appealing. You can save so much time, yet make a profit or great connections, or both! You will receive the report and cover graphics. Word Doc and PDF.

Report Squeeze Page
You will receive an HTML squeeze page (or optin page), thank you page and download page, designed to build your list. Simply add your autoresponder form, make the necessary changes and upload to your server.

Autoresponder Email Series
You can build a list, and a relationship with your customers, by uploading these emails to your autoresponder!
You will receive 21 emails that are ready to paste into your autoresponder to help you build a trusting relationship with your subscribers! Word Doc and Text Files. 5,171 words

Social Media Updates
10 Facebook and 10 twitter posts to connect with your followers! Saves you lots of time!

This infographic is perfect for displaying on your website and sharing on social media platforms.
Here is the content in more detail

Dementia PLR eBook
20 tips to help your customers with lifestyle and nutritional approaches for managing dementia. Brand and sell the eBook, use it as a lead generation tool, break it up into short articles, unlimited uses. Share with confidence. This eBook was written by a subject matter expert, published author and health coach. 5,734 Words, 31 pages
Tips and Strategies to Prevent and Manage Dementia Disease

Dementia PLR eBook Cover Graphics and Squeeze Page

Squeeze Page, Thank You Page and Download Page

Brain-Gut Connection PLR Report
Nutrition! Nutrition! Nutrition! More people die each year from dementia disease and the key solution is nutrition. Brand and sell the eBook, use it as a lead generation tool, break it up into short articles, unlimited uses. Share with confidence. This eBook was written by a subject matter expert, published author and health coach. Includes 2,704 Words, 23 pages
Brain-Gut Connection – The Nutritional Link To Brain Disease

Brain-Gut Connection PLR Report eCovers and Squeeze Page

Squeeze Page, Thank You Page and Download Page

Dementia PLR Articles
12 articles to publish to the web or repurpose any way you wish.
- Daily Tasks that Overwhelm the Dementia Patient – 479 words
- Gear and Gadgets to Make Life Easier for the Dementia Patient – 413 words
- Gear and Gadgets to Make Life Easier for the Dementia Patient Caregiver – 464 words
- Incidence of Dementia in the United States – 425 words
- Is Grandma Eating – 461 words
- Pain Meds and Constipation Prevention – 437 words
- Pets and the Dementia Patient – 489 words
- Resources and Partners for Caregivers of Dementia Patients – 438 words
- Tips for the Dementia Caregiver – 458 words
- Tough Decisions for Caregivers of Dementia Patients – 465 words
- Understanding Sundowning – 409 words
- Why People with Dementia Do the Things They Do – 439 words

Pre-Sales Trainer Presentation
We’ve consolidated key training points and highlights into a presentation you can use for interviews, teleseminars or webinars, or for online training or offline meetings. Whatever your needs are you can use this presentation for!

Dementia PLR Book Review
Publish on your website and then share this book review with your customers. Make sure you link to the book so that your readers can purchase and you make a commission!

You will receive a book review on The 36-Hour Day – A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementias, and Memory Loss.
“Whether a person has Alzheimer disease, vascular dementia, or another form of dementia, he or she will struggle with independent living and most likely face medical, behavioral, mood, and legal and financial problems. This essential resource will help family members and caregivers address all of these challenges and simultaneously cope with their own emotions and needs.
Featuring everything from the causes of dementia to managing its early stages to advice on caring for those in the later stages of the disease, it is widely considered to be the most detailed and trusted book available.“
This book review is 1,480 words long.

Social Media Messages
1 Facebook Snippet and 1 Twitter Tweet for Each Article
Unlock ready-to-use social media content! Get a Facebook snippet and Twitter tweet for each article, complete with a call-to-action. Just copy, paste, and watch your engagement soar! Perfect for driving traffic and boosting your brand’s visibility. Ready to make your marketing effortless? These will help you.

Dementia PLR Mini Reports or Newsletters
The 12 articles in this offer have been repurposed into two reports. Monetize with your affiliate or product links, save as a PDF and distribute.

Dementia PLR Email Series – 21 Autoresponders
We got you covered in the communication department. 21 Autoresponders that are way more than just “go buy this product.” These are designed to start the conversation with your audience, keep them engaged and eager to hear more from you. The first 7 are follow-ups to the opt-in report. Just add your Call-To-Action to your own sales page or an affiliate program. Check out the clever subject lines below. 5,171 words
- 1.) Welcome to the Dementia Newsletter
- 2.) What is dementia?
- 3.) Are you having memory problems?
- 4.) Common symptoms of dementia
- 5.) Can what you eat contribute to brain disorders?
- 6.) Probiotic connection to brain health
- 7.) Get more probiotics. Eat Rotting Foods!
- 8.) The second brain within you
- 9.) What about using artificial sweeteners instead of sugar
- 10.) Healthy alternatives for white sugar
- 11.) Amazon best seller resource and my review
- 12.) Watch this quick video on dementia
- 13.) Shocking statistics
- 14.) 5 Practices to Improve Your Concentration
- 15.) Medications leading to memory problems
- 16.) The details on drugs that cause memory problems
- 17.) Brain Food
- 18.) Avoid or remove these foods to help support brain health
- 19.) Depression, Dementia and Exercise
- 20.) Get out, Get Active and Get Connected
- 21.) Misdiagnosing dementia in men
Dementia PLR Infographic
High-quality infographic to brand as your own! You receive an unbranded version!

You will get instant access to all this high-quality Dementia PLR content…

- eBook – Dementia Quick Tips and Insights – 5,734 Words, 31 pages.
- Report – Brain-Gut Connection – The Nutritional Link To Brain Disease – 2,704 words, 23 Pages.
- eCover graphics for eBook and report
- Squeeze Pages – Two, one for the eBook and one for the report.
- Articles – 12 high-quality articles written by professional writer.
- Bestseller Book Review – You will receive a detailed book review.
- Newsletters – The 12 articles have been repurposed into 2 newsletters. More lead magnets, reader gifts or products to sell.
- Social Media Posts – Quick instant updates.
- Trainer Presentation or Mini Course – Powerpoint presentation. Use as is, or record audio and turn into a video course.
- Email Messages – 21 Autoresponders. 5,171 words
- Infographic – Another list building or training asset.
- License – Private Label Rights License
This Dementia PLR bundle is a complete sales funnel, so it includes everything you need to be seen as an authority, to make an income, and to build your list and relationships with your customers! It’s ready to use in your business right now!
Only $57
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