This Sexy After Sixty PLR content will help your senior customers realize that sixty is the new forty and that staying fit and fabulous after sixty can be achieved! This PLR content bundle offers high-quality materials, including an engaging report and professionally recorded audiobook. Boost your business and offer your senior clients the tools they need to thrive in their golden years! This content is ready for you to edit and brand as your own.

Sexy After 60 PLR Content

Here’s What’s Included In This High-Quality PLR Bundle of Content

Report and Cover Graphics
Sexy After Sixty – How to Stay Mentally and Physically Fit – 2,699 words, 13 pages.
This report will help you build your list! You can use it as a free gift for your customers when they subscribe to your emails, or you can sell it if you prefer. The choice is yours. You will receive the eCover graphics, which you can view below! Word Doc and PDF.

Sexy After Sixty PLR Audio Book
The report has been professionally recorded as an audio book, so you can use it for those who prefer to listen to a podcast!
This audio book is fantastic and we know you and your customers are going to love it! It’s 15:36 minutes in length.

10 x Articles
You will receive 10 articles that you can use to publish on your website or to create even more products! Repurpose the articles in many different ways! There really is no limit! Word Docs and Text Files.

2 Newsletters or Reports
The 10 articles have been repurposed into short reports you can use as additional opt-in offers, products, newsletters or gifts for your list.

Book Review
You will also receive a book review that is 1,303 words long. Publish on your site, add your affiliate link and make money from your promotions!

Social Posters
Social media graphics can brighten your posts and get people sharing! You’ll receive 14 quotes and tips, so make sure you use them!

Here is the content in more detail…
Sexy After Sixty PLR Report
Sexy After Sixty – How to Stay Mentally and Physically Fit – 2,699 words, 13 pages.

Sexy After Sixty PLR Report Contents

Sexy After 60 PLR Audio Book
You will also receive the report as a pofessionally recorded audio book. It is 15:36 minutes duration. You can use it for those people who want to listen to an audio, or start your own podcast… and the reader could be a guest speaker! MP3 file provided.

Fitness For Seniors PLR Articles
You will receive 10 articles as shown below. You can use articles anywhere and everywhere! For example, post them on your website, add them to your eBook, or create another eBook or report. Create an eCourse, read on your podcast… there is no limit to what you can do!
- 5 Ways to Rev Up an Aging Metabolism
- Building Blocks for Senior Fitness
- How Grandchildren Keep Us Young
- Movements to Dissolve Stress
- Senior Fitness and Longevity
- Seniors Improve Your Mood with Exercise
- Supplements for Seniors
- Technological Savvy for Active Seniors
- The Perfect Diet for Seniors
- Why Exercise Is Vital to Seniors
Sexy After Sixty PLR – Newsletters or Reports
The 10 articles have also been repurposed into 2 newsletters or short reports, which you can use as additional opt-in offers, products, newsletters, or gifts for your list. Alternatively, feel free to use them solely as articles or newsletters, or in any other way you see fit!

Core Strength After 50 PLR – Book Review
Post this review on your website and then share this book review with your customers. Make sure you link to the book so that your readers can purchase and you make a commission! 1,303 words

You will receive a book review on Core Strength for 50+ – A Customized Program for Safely Toning Ab, Back, and Oblique Muscles.
“Stay young, improve your mobility and prevent injury with the bestselling fitness guide for core strength training for 50-plus from Dr. Karl Knopf.
With workouts ranging from basic mat work routines to unstable training with foam rollers and stability balls, Core Strength for 50+ provides more than 75 exercises that build and maintain strong muscles in the abs, obliques, lower back and butt.”
The book review is 1,303 words.

Fitness For Seniors PLR Social Posters
Receive 14 tip posters, plus the editable PSD files so you can edit them all if you wish! Use them as images with your articles on your website, in reports or eBooks, or on social media. The choice is yours!

Here’s a summary of all the content in this Sexy After Sixty PLR offer…
- Report – Sexy After Sixty – How to Stay Mentally and Physically Fit – 2,699 words, 13 pages.
- Audio Book – The report has been professionally recorded. Approximately 15:36 minutes duration.
- eCover Graphics – For the report.
- Articles – You will receive 10 professionally written articles.
- Newsletters – Two newsletters repurposed from the 10 articles.
- Book Review – You will also receive a book review that is 1,306 words long.
- Social Media Posters – 14 posters to use on your website and social media!
- License – Private Label Rights License
This Sexy After Sixty PLR bundle is ready to use in your business! It includes everything you need to be seen as an authority, to make an income, and to build your list and relationships with your customers!
Only $37
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