Bodyweight Fitness for the Fitness Blogger
Take a look at this offer to realize the value you get by adding on new articles and reports, sales teaser presentation, book report, social media graphics and an audio book.
We added an extra bonus pack of 10 infographic-style Exercise Posters with the editable template (PowerPoint and Open Office equivalent.) You’ll find a huge inventory of material you can use for lead generation, social media connections, newsletters, graphics and more. We’ve created this PLR for marketers who want to keep product and great content published to subscribers, but they don’t have time to create their own material nor an unlimited budget to pay ghostwriters.
You can use this material for unlimited campaigns. Re-purpose the reports into newsletters, articles or for blog posts. Never lose touch with your subscribers. Just scroll down the page to review everything you need to attract new subscribers and stay connected with them with fitness news.

Only $47
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